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Hepworth Class - Year 1 and Year 2

Barbara Hepworth | Biography, Artwork, & Facts | Britannica

Welcome to Hepworth Class. Your child's teachers are Mrs Mason and Mrs Wilson.

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.

Home learning goes on Google classroom on Thursday and is due in the following Wednesday.

Reading books are changed on Fridays.


Autumn Term 2024

We will be exploring the following fantastic texts: Cave Baby, Astro Girl, Look up! and Naughty Bus. The children will be writing adventure stories and fact files, retelling stories and writing their own version of stories. They will also be writing letters. In addition the children will continue their phonics learning in groups, practising sounds, reading texts and using their sounds to spell.

In maths the children will be learning the place value of numbers to 100, learning addition and subtraction strategies and all about shape. The Year 1 children will be having Ms Laver teaching them maths.

In history children will learn about the First World War and Remembrance Day. The children will also learn about Walter Tull who was the first black British Army Officer. We will find out about the experiences of soldiers in the trenches, the animals who helped them and the importance of women’s roles on the Home Front. In geography children will identify where they live using maps and atlases. We will then focus on our school, beginning with drawing a plan of the classroom. We will locate our school using maps and also observe the school environment through fieldwork. We will think about our route to school, creating simple plans whilst also learning map symbols. We will use our knowledge to create and use treasure maps. We will also go on a local walk to explore more of the local area.

In science through exciting exploration, asking our own questions, making observations and doing lots of practical learning, we will be identifying key body parts and linking them to our senses as well as how we use them for different activities. We will learn about our organs and their functions and learn how we can look after our bodies. We will learn lots of new vocabulary and draw super diagrams. 

In art we are going to go on an amazing journey of colour. We will develop a wide range of art and design techniques by exploring the work of Piet Mondrian, Mark Rothko, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock, Robert and Sonia Delaunay and Wassily Kandinsky. We have also learnt and created a piece of work based on our class artist Hepworth.

In target games, we will be learning how to play Dodgeball. The children will be learning how to move in different ways and change speed and direction. They will practice underarm and overarm techniques as well as sending and catching the ball. They will participate in basic dodgeball games.  In dance, the children will be become animals in the jungle and perform to ‘I just can’t wait to be King’ from The Lion King. The children will learn how to move in different ways with control. They will work individually and with others and move to music with expression. They will create short dances and participate in a performance.

In music the children will learn to recognise pulse and explore percussion instruments and perform simple accompaniments. The children will copy and create simple rhythm patterns and use simple graphic notations. They will be introduced to a range of music, create simple dance as well as learning about different dance traditions.

In computing the children will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them in their everyday lives. They will start to become familiar with the different components of a computer by developing their keyboard and mouse skills. The children will also consider how to use technology responsibly and who to ask for help if they see any content or comments online that make them feel uncomfortable.

In PSHE our focus is ‘Relationships’. We will look at the roles of different people, families and who cares for us and how it feels. We will learn about safe relationships and how to stay safe as well as how to respect ourselves and others. The class will also continue to build their friendships and see themselves as part of a community.

In RE will explore the question: What do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief? They will focus on Christian, Hindu and Jewish beliefs