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Pupil Premium

This is the name given to a sum of money allocated to schools in order to support the most vulnerable children. The children are identified through a variety of ways, one of which is entitlement to free school meals in the past 6 years. Although each school has the freedom to spend the money as would best support the children, they are also held to account and must prove the value of what they have put in place for their most vulnerable children.     

The Pupil Premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantaged children reaches the pupils who need it most. The funding is allocated to Local Authorities and schools with pupils from Reception to Y11 who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), are looked after or have parents currently in the Armed Forces. The allocations for 2023-2024 are £1,455 per child and £2,530 is available to support looked after, previously look after and adopted pupils.  Children of service families will receive £335. 

As a school we want to ensure that all children have the very best start to their educational journey.  Where there is a barrier to a child's learning in Literacy and Numeracy we target this money with a variety of additional support and resources to ensure they make progress and to close the learning gap between disadvantaged children and their peers.  As a school we are aware of all vulnerable children and understand that not all FSM/PPG pupils are vulnerable and that some children who need additional support do not have PPG funding.

(Due to such small numbers of PPG children the statistical data is unreliable).

Possible barriers to learning:

There are a wide range of factors that can impact on the educational achievement of individual children. 

There may be emotional barriers for the children to overcome as well as academic barriers. 

Other barriers to learning may include poor attendance, lack of resources or ability to access resources such as high quality reading books. All children are tracked carefully through termly meetings to ensure that they are making progress. Pupil Passports are also updated termly.

The Pupil Premium Funding will be used to support disadvantaged pupils, giving them access to additional support in the core subjects through interventions and academic scaffolding to accelerate progress from their starting points. Any 'gaps' which have occurred can be addressed and supported. 

Objectives of the Pupil Premium Grant Spending 2023/24 can be found in the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023.