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Ringgold Class - Year 5

Class Teacher

Mrs Lavender-Mitchell

Welcome to Spring Term 2025 in Ringgold Class

We have a lot of exciting, new learning planned for the Spring term. Here is a peep inside our curriculum.

This first half term in English, the children will be using the film and text of Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing. To begin with the children will make predictions and then engage with the story in order to retell the main events to one another. This will lead on to a series of innovations upon the story structure and children will create their own ‘lost things’, creating a story plan. In the final part, children write their own lost thing narratives, based upon their story plan.

In the second half of the Spring term the class will study Robot Girl by Malorie Blackman. In this unit the children unpick the elements of science-fiction writing as they learn more about the key characters in the story, comparing them. They will explore creating effective dialogue to convey character and show feelings through writing emails in role. After making predictions about twists and turns in the story, they will go on to create atmospheric setting descriptions, give a character advice about what to do, and write an action scene. After finishing the book and discussing the dramatic plot twist, they will write a book review before going on to create their own science-fiction narrative inspired by Robot Girl.

Mathematics this first half-term will allow the children to further develop written methods of multiplication and division. This will be followed by finding fractions of quantities and amounts, as well as multiplying fractions.   In the second half-term the class will work on calculating equivalent fractions and decimals. They will develop their knowledge of the place value of decimals and round decimal numbers. This will lead onto understanding how percentages can be related to fractions and decimals. Finally, we will finish the term by studying area and perimeter and developing our understanding of statistics, with a focus on tables and graphs.

 In science, we will continue to develop our knowledge of forces. We will look at friction, as well as air resistance and water resistance and hope to carry out practical experiments to deepen our understanding. In the second half-term we will begin our work on materials. This will involve grouping and classifying everyday materials. We will then explore the processes of separating materials and questions whether these changes are reversible or irreversible.

In Geography the focus for the first half-term is Marvellous Maps.  The children will use atlases and explore the different symbols which can be found in them. We will recap compass points and plan a route (possibly for our imaginary ‘Lost Thing). Our second Geography topic this term is called Rivers and Water. We will begin by looking at where water comes from, before focusing in on rivers and their features. We will look at rivers around the world and discuss the effects of erosion and deposition.

RE studies this term will ask the class to consider 2 key questions: What difference does the resurrection make to Christians and how do Hindus make sense of the world?  


Computing will see the children develop their knowledge of programming and have an introduction to microbits. The second half-term sees us looking at data and information.  The children will use tools within a database to order and answer questions. They will create graphs and charts from their data to help solve problems.

The Music term begins with the children developing their understanding of Music and Words. They will develop their skills at recognising beats and practice improvisation as well as ‘meet’ some composers and consider the skills needed to create music.

The first half-term in DT will see the children exploring frame structure. They will investigate methods of joining materials to create a strong and stable frame. They will then plan, make and evaluate a frame structure for their ‘Lost Thing’. During the second half-term we will explore mechanical systems with pulleys and gears.

In PSHE, the class will look at diversity in Britain and consider the rules of law and the role of government. They will also explore digital well-being, online relationships and fake news. Alongside this the children will look at how money can be looked after and how to budget.

In Spanish in the first half-term the children will learn about Three Wise Men Day, telling the time, daily routine and reflexive verbs . The following half term they will study adding frequency adverbs and time adverbials to their daily routine, conjugating a verb and saying what they may have had for breakfast. 

Our PE days are on Thursday and Friday. The class will develop their hockey skills and tag rugby skills along with yoga and fitness.  


