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Matisse Class - Year 4

Matisse: Drawing with Scissors | National Museums Liverpool

Summer Term 2024

Summer Term is full of an abundance of exciting learning opportunities in Matisse Class and beyond.  We will be visiting The Thameside Discovery Centre to explore the river Thames as well as welcoming visitors for an immersive Viking Experience in our Great Hall (otherwise known as the School Hall).  The class will also proudly present a class assembly to their adults. Hopefully, along the way, the children will be making memories to last a lifetime.

Our literacy learning will be based around the children’s classic, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as well as ‘Shackleton’s Journey’.  Both texts will explore the themes of exploration and bravery.

Maths will provide opportunities for the class to deepen their understanding of money, 2 d shapes, including types of triangles, co-ordinates, translations, interpreting data, decimals and time.

Science finds the class investigating themselves and other animals along with living things and their habitats.  This will link to work about climate zones too.

PSHE provides opportunities for the children to look at their own physical well- being, in particular tooth care, hygiene and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.  Science lessons cross over with PSHE as the children are introduced to the idea of their bodies growing and changing in preparation for puberty.  Pupils will learn about medicines and drugs common in everyday life.

Art will see the children closely observing insects and createing their own insect art, whilst in Design Technology the class will discover the world of textiles.

Music will see the class perform in an ensemble and explore song melodies and structures.

Computing will further explore data logging, using a variety of software and changing digital images.

RE will continue to explore world religions, including Islam and Judaism.

Summer Term finds Matisse Class showing their times table skills to the fullest as they complete the Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check.  PE, hopefully, as the weather improves, will switch to an outdoor focus on team games and athletics .  PE kits will be kept in lockers and sent home every half term.